Monday, June 18, 2012

Web Log 1

Personal information
1. Jenna Rezac, Strongsville,OH,
2. Jenna

3. middle childhood math/science
undergraduate degree:human development and family science 
4. I enjoy spending time with my family, boyfriend, and friends.  I like hanging out at my pool in the summer with friends.  I also enjoy going to concerts and Cleveland sports events in my free time.
Learning Style and more:
5. For me to feel comfortable taking intellectual and creative risks in a classroom, I would need to feel like people are respecting my opinions even if theirs are different. I would need to feel comfortable with the students and teacher in the classroom.  I would hope that if someone were to disagree with my any of my points, that they would do it in a respectful way.

6. I am always prepared for class by doing any papers, homework, or projects that were assigned. I make sure to attend class unless I have a valid excuse. I participate in class when I have something that I believe will make a contribution to the discussion. I learn well by working in groups or by doing activities that go along with the material.  If I am having trouble understanding something, I make sure to keep trying until I get it. Many times, I will also ask someone who does understand for help.
7.I learn best by working with others.  I get easily distracted when a teacher just lectures the whole class.
Education Past and Present
8. A memory that I have as a student is about a teacher that I had in elementary school.  This teacher was always my favorite and was extremely helpful whenever I struggled with anything. This teacher influenced me to become a teacher myself so that I could be a positive role model for my future students.  Another memory I have is about a professor that I had in college.  This professor only read the powerpoints and did not interact with the class.  I could not focus with this type of teaching and had to spend time out of class teaching myself the material.  This experience encouraged me to always have activities and other interesting ways to teach in my classroom.
9. Some issues that affect me as a future teacher are the lack of jobs or the difficulty of finding a job, the lack of resources in some schools, and the negative attitude that many people have towards teachers. Another issue that is often talked about in class, is that of standardized testing. 
10. 1) group projects and activities  2)important topics for all teachers (teaching styles, history of teaching, etc.) 3) friendly and respectful to one another 4)busy work that is not useful and very time consuming
About Dr. Shutkin:11. What do you think is the most important thing for us to get out of the class?

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